Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Thirty Years

Today, I have left the 20's, and have hit the big three-oh. What can I say after all this time? There are so many blessings to look back upon.

I thank God for His providence, and for His care and discipline, which has sanctified me over time, turning me from a child of God into a man of God.

I thank God for my wife, who is one of the greatest gifts in my life. I likewise thank Him for the blessing and the fruit currently growing in her womb.

I thank God, most of all, for the fact that He has permitted me to not only live 30-years in this brief moment of life, but that, before anything else, He has called me into His flock. I thank God the Father for His love for me before my existence. I thank God the Son for justifying me on the cross, paying the price for every one of my sins which I could not pay, nor ever hope to pay. I thank God the Holy Spirit for securing and marking me for the day of resurrection, when I shall be found holy and blameless before God.

Whether or not I live 30 more years or 30 more seconds from this blog post, I thank God that He has shown His grace, mercy, and love upon me, a miserable sinner.

Friday, April 25, 2014


The following is a take on the song "Stars," from Les Miserables.
There, out on the websites,
A couple of videos
Showcasing me
Talking 'bout me
Raised in the jihad.
I never shall rest
Till there's no more to see
Till those sad bloggers flee

I know some people up on top
I've got some fanboys to boot
Those who challenge the past of the Caners
I'll strike with lawsuits
And when I lie
As Lucifer lied
You see my fruit.

In their multitudes
Scarce to be counted
All filled with darkness,
Distorting God's light
Thank Baal for seminaries
Silent and blind
Feigning things are alright
Just calling day for night

They know I moved as a teen
And I make consistent claims
I say I was born in
Sweden, or Turkey...
Well, it's never the same
But if I lie as Lucifer lied
I use Christ's name

And in the masjid
I received my teachings
Through all forty days of Ramadan
Then I fell at an altar and cried,
Isa bin Allah!

Lumpkins go stop them
Those who oppose me
Take down their blogs
But I'll never yield!
I'll keep up this game
'Til I'm judged for my lies!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Podcast: Beatles Easter at Wave Church

Is the Gospel preached at Wave Church? What is the message of the cross, according to Wave Church? Find out as we review a message delivered this year's Resurrection Sunday by youth pastor Joe Riddle. Does he present the Gospel and the true message of Easter to the people there?

This link takes you to the podcast episode where we review the dangerous, cult-like teachings by Steve Kelly regarding leadership.

This link takes you to the podcast episode where we review Steve Kelly's Prosperity Gospel beliefs.

This link takes you to a blog post that shows how giving more and more money to Wave Church actually gives you more benefits and influence in the church.

This link takes you to a blog post where we reviewed Joe Riddle's abuse of Revelation 5:12.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Chris Rosebrough Interviews Televangelist Brian Powers

Chris Rosebrough of Fighting for the Faith interviews Brian Powers, televangelist and supposed faith healer. Chris is as blunt as ever, and holds Brian to the scriptures, resulting in Brian self-destructing about midway through and going into a meltdown.

Here is the link.

Among the things I noticed from Brian Powers, that I have noticed others who partake in or support those in the Hyper-Charismatic/Neo-Pentecostal circles:
  • A complete and utter inability to answer any direct question (here especially regarding the Trinity, his personal sin, etc.), usually going off on another tangent instead.
  • A double standard in regards to accusing someone of harping on doctrine (eg., Trinity), while at the same time accusing others of violating Christian doctrine (eg., Charismatic Gifts of the Spirit).
  • Almost zero knowledge of church history.
  • Claiming that God warned him there would be skeptics (ie., people discerning his teachings).
  • Making bold claims that are never backed up.
  • A continued argument from accomplishment (eg., "How many signs and wonders you done, we done a lot," etc.).
  • Responding to Biblical discernment with great hostility.
  • Responding to any exegesis with, "Well, that's your opinion!"
  • An understanding of the Bible that contradicts sola scriptura and emphasizes personal experience.
  • Divine authority placed upon statements and positions.
  • Tries to change the subject into a matter of cessationism versus continuationism.
  • Ad hominem attacks (including an accusation that the other person is "religious," "arrogant," having an "argumentative spirit," or a Pharisee), and generally showing great disrespect towards those with contrary opinion.
Much of what Chris Rosebrough encountered with Brian Powers is similar to what I encountered with Allen Hood at OneThing VA Beach.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Podcast: Lou Engle and Nazirite DNA Part I

This episode begins the first of three parts in our examination of the audiobook for Lou Engle's Nazirite DNA. Is it scriptural? Does Lou Engle use the Bible as his primary authority? Or does he rely on another authority?

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

John Hagee's Four Blood Moons Debunked

Just in case anyone thought John Hagee's blood moon statements were to be taken seriously...

Part 2 can be found here. The part specifically dealing with John Hagee can be found around the 48:20 mark.

My only contention with Chris Rosebrough's presentation is his belief that Joel 2/Acts 2 is speaking on the events around the crucifixion - I would put forward it was about the early apostolic period, and was finally fulfilled at the destruction of Jerusalem. I did an examination on Joel 2/Acts 2 and whether or not it's an end time event in this post here.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Podcast: A Simple History of Megachurches

In this episode, we have a brief (16 minutes) discussion on how megachurches developed in America.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Podcast: Matthew Gallatin and Predestination Part 3

Here is the final part in our review of Eastern Orthodox author and speaker Matthew Gallatin's series on whether or not Ephesians 1 teaches predestination.